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Tai-Ex opening
發布於 2024-12-09 14:56:13
The Tai-Ex opened up 94-points this morning from Friday's close, at 23,287 on turnover of 6-billion N-T.
The market lost ground last Friday to close below the 23,200 point mark as investors awaited U-S November jobs data.
Although semiconductor stocks traded down, analysts say gains (增加) for artificial intelligence development related stocks lent support to the wider tech sector to stem the downturn on the main board.
Former Legislative Speaker Proposes New Cross-Strait Narrative
發布於 2024-12-09 14:56:13
In news from and about Taiwan this morning,

Former Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng has unveiled a new cross-strait narrative - advocating for "separate governance without division" between Taiwan and China.
Speaking during the launch of the Moral Peace Union cross-strait think tank, Wang said "the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are not subordinate to each other in terms of governance (治理) but share sovereignty without division."

According to Wang, his proposal acknowledges the reality that the two sides across the Taiwan Strait are governed separately while keeping avenues open for fostering peaceful relations.
Taiwan-Made E-Buses Heading to Paraguay
發布於 2024-12-09 14:56:13

A shipment of domestically made electric buses is heading to Paraguay – with Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung describing it as milestone in Taiwan's efforts to help the South American country go green by exporting local technology.
The shipment left Taipei Port this past weekend.
Taking to Facebook, the foreign minister said he, Paraguay's Ambassador to Taiwan Carlos Jose Fleitas, and Master Transportation Bus Manufacturing Chairman Wu Ting-fa were at the port to see off the batch (批次) of 30 e-buses.
The buses are expected to arrive in Paraguay by the end of February.
Biden on Assad Ousting
發布於 2024-12-09 14:56:13
US President Joe Biden has offered his nation's ongoing support for Syria following the ousting of Bashar Al Assad by opposition forces.
But it's not clear Biden's approach will be shared by his successor (接班人) Donald Trump, who takes over in January.
Our Washington correspondent Jagruti Dave has more...
Notre Dame Hosts First Mass Since Reopening
發布於 2024-12-09 14:56:13
Notre Dame Cathedral has hosted its first Mass since the catastrophic fire of 2019.
Archbishop Laurent Ulrich presided over the Mass, including consecrating a new bronze altar.
The public Mass came after the official reopening of the building Saturday with Donald Trump and other VIPs.
Notre Dame’s journey from ruin to resurrection was defined by extraordinary (非凡的) craftsmanship and nearly $1 billion in global donations.
The liturgy was attended by 2,500 people, including French President Emmanuel Macron, clergy, dignitaries and a few lucky members of the general public who stood in long lines to enter.
The cathedral, which previously welcomed 12 million annual visitors, is expected to draw 15 million in its new chapter.

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