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Tai-Ex opening
發布於 2024-03-28 10:22:13
The Tai-Ex opened up 13-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 20,213 on turnover of 4.5-billion N-T.
The market staged a technical rebound on Wednesday as buying rotated to non-tech stocks.
However, turnover was down from the previous trading days.
Many investors remained wary of a major pullback after the main board scored solid gains in recent sessions to stand above the 20,000-point mark.
Investors are also waiting for U-S economic data, which is due out later this week.
First high-level Taiwan-France Trade Talks Focus on High-Tech
發布於 2024-03-28 10:22:13
The Ministry of Economics Affairs says representatives for Taiwan and France have held the first round of ministerial-level economic and trade talks.
The talks focused on opportunities for collaboration (合作) in the high-tech supply chain.
Taiwan's delegation was led by Economics Minister Wang Mei-hua, who met with representatives of France's Ministry of Economics and Finance.
According to the economics ministry, the discussions covered possible partnerships in fields such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, renewable energy, and space industries.
Carbon Fee Rate to be Decided in One to Two Months
發布於 2024-03-28 10:22:13
Environment Minister Xue Fu-sheng says it will take the government between one and two months to finalize the carbon fee rate.
The Ministry of Environment was previously scheduled to announce the carbon fee rate in the first quarter of this year.
The environment minister says the delay is because a review committee has not yet decided on the rate.
However, Xue says there will be no change to the carbon fee collection schedule.
The minister says the government still plans to collect (收) the fees beginning next year.
WH: Talks with Israel on Gaza Operation Resume
發布於 2024-03-28 10:22:13
The White House says talks are resuming (恢復) to bring Israeli officials to the US to discuss Gaza operations.
AP correspondent Ben Thomas reports.
UN Food Waste Report
發布於 2024-03-28 10:22:13
A new United Nations report estimates that 19% of the food produced around the world went to waste in 2022.
That's a little more than 1 billion metric tons of food.
The updated Food Waste Index shows the biggest share of that waste, about 60%, came in households.
Almost 30% came in food service operations, such as restaurants.
This comes three years after the U.N.'s first attempt to quantify (量化) the problem as part of trying to cut food waste in half by the year 2030.