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Tai-Ex opening    
發布於 2024-05-24 10:28:16
The Tai-Ex opened down 165-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 21,442 on turnover of $6.6-billion N-T.

The market closed higher once again on Thursday - as investor sentiment in the local tech sector was buoyed (受到鼓舞) by news about soaring Nvidia earnings - after the company released its latest quarterly results overnight.

Draft of AI Governing Law to be Finalized this Year    
發布於 2024-05-24 10:28:16
National Science and Technology Council head Wu Cheng-wen says his office is scheduled to draw-up a draft of the law governing the use of A-I and send it to the Cabinet by the end of this year.

Speaking at a legislative committee hearing, Wu said the draft law will aim to ensure (確保) user privacy, human rights and security .. and will also seek to help the development of Taiwan's industries.

Wu told lawmakers that the main concept behind Taiwan's A-I basic law will be more aligned (對齊,與...保持一致) with those released by United States and Japan - which have a more open attitude to AI use ..

... rather than that of the European Union, which is more conservative and discreet.

The National Science and Technology Council head also said the law will be drafted to restrict A-I to being used for good, protecting user privacy, human rights and security.

Germany Police Clear ProPalestine Student Protesters    
發布於 2024-05-24 10:28:16
German police have cleared about 150 pro-Palestinian demonstrators from a Berlin university facility, ending one of a wave of student-led protests across Europe over Israel’s conduct of its war against Hamas.

Activists had occupied several rooms of the Humboldt University’s Institute for Social Sciences in downtown Berlin on Wednesday.

University administrators agreed to let them stay until Thursday evening, but called in the police when some refused to leave.

Police briefly detained 130 people during the operation, in which officers broke through several barricaded (堵住...) doors.

Unicef warns Haiti's healthcare system may collapse    
發布於 2024-05-24 10:28:16
The UN's Children's Fund warns that Haiti's health system is now "on the verge of collapse".

It says there has been an "alarming decrease" in the number of hospitals still functioning (運作) in the violence-wracked Caribbean nation.

Jody Jacobs has more from the United Nations in New York.

Pakistan: UAE Comits to 10Billion Investment    
發布於 2024-05-24 10:28:16
The Pakistani government says that the United Arab Emirates has committed to investing up to $10 billion in Pakistan during a meeting in the UAE capital between that country’s president and the Pakistani prime minister.

The office of Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif says that UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan made the commitment (承諾) during a meeting in Abu Dhabi with Sharif, who is visiting the UAE.

It provided few details.

The statement said Sharif told the UAE president about measures the Pakistani government is taking to encourage foreign investment, and that the UAE president committed to investing $10 billion in various sectors in Pakistan.

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