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Tai-Ex opening
The Tai-Ex opened up 28-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 21,385 on turnover of 4.8-billion N-T.

The market lost ground on Tuesday after artificial intelligence development-related stocks came under pressure as investors opted to lock in (保持優勢) profits from the previous session.

The bellwether electronics sector led the downturn, eroding around half of the gains seen a session earlier, when the main board surged by just over 362-points.

Regenerative Medicine Act Passes Final Reading
LY Lawmakers have passed The Regenerative Medicine Act.

The Act provides a legal basis for conducting research and development on regenerative medicine (再生醫療), technology control and cell sources for patients in emergency needs.

It stipulates that regenerative medicine must undergo human trials before execution and that non-medical facilities will no longer be allowed to offer regenerative medicine treatments.

Entities or individuals found to be in violation of that stipulation face a maximum fine of 20-million N-T.

Around 2,000 Attend Taipei Vigil to Remember Tiananmen Square Massacre
Some 2,000 people have attended the annual candlelight vigil (守夜(表達不同政見等的)) in Taipei to commemorate the events that unfolded in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989.

The candlelight vigil is organized by the New School for Democracy and other human rights groups.

It took place once again at the plaza in front of the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei under the theme of "Ideals are bullet-proof."

According to organizers, many of the participants were people from Hong Kong who now live in Taiwan.

US presents new draft Security Council resolution to stop the fighting in Gaza
The United States has requested UN Security Council support for President Joe Biden's three-phase plan to end the nearly eight-month war in Gaza.

A draft resolution has been circulated to all council members and is expected to be voted on at some stage.

Benjamin Netanyahu has confirmed Israel will accept the framework deal (框架性協議) though he described it as flawed and in need of much more work.

Jody Jacobs reports from the United Nations in New York.

UK Spooked Military Horses Return to Duty
The British Army says that the five military horses that bolted (受到驚嚇而脫韁奔跑) and injured themselves as they ran loose through central London in April are all expected to return to duty.

Three of them are already back to work.

The horses were performing routine exercises near Buckingham Palace on April 24 when they became spooked by noise from a nearby building site and galloped loose through the capital’s streets.

They crashed into vehicles and caused chaos during the morning rush hour.

The two most severely injured horses are recovering well in the countryside after undergoing operations and are set to return to work soon.

The soldiers who were injured after being tossed by the horses are also recovering and will likely return to military service.

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