There''s a lady who''s sure all that glitters is gold
There''s a lady who''s sure all that glitters is gold
There''s a lady who''s sure all that glitters is gold
cdma2k發表於 1/24/2021 7:30:08 AM
恕我冒昧標題選用了一句你在 80年代時代之聲中曾經在節目中逐字解說一首經典名曲歌詞中的一句,還寄得是哪首歌嗎?
曾經好奇怎麼樣的女孩會聽搖滾到這麼深入連大部份男生都敗北自嘆不如?青澀的青春歲月那才是夢寐以求的 soulmate,哈!回憶起那斷風聲雨聲讀書聲教室球場宿舍舞會 TOEFL GRE I-20 的日子,你我的黃金歲月,如今 ⋯
Re:There''''s a lady who''''s sure all that glitters is gold
徐凡發表於 2/26/2021 8:46:42 AM
雖然青春歲月早已消逝,深信搖滾底氣依然俱足!Led Zeppelin而今安在?切盼我輩一如滾石:too old to rock ''n'' roll,too young to die!歡迎空中再交會...