
I am so glad that I am listening to your program again after 30 years.

I am so glad that I am listening to your program again after 30 years.

Chin Ming Tso郵件發表於 5/7/2020 12:25:40 AM
I was your fan in college in 80’. Left Taiwan after graduation and military service for more than 30 years. Thanks a lot for the internet technologies, I am listening to your program again. What makes me happy is that your program is exactly the same as what I loved before. I want to write this feedback to you to let you know. I believe that there are a lot of rock ''n roll fans appreciating your program.

Re:I am so glad that I am listening to your program again after 30 years.

徐凡發表於 7/17/2020 11:50:30 AM
Welcome back! Thanks for your listening & appreciation from button of my heart.
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