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Taiwan donates US$50,000 to flood-hit Brazil    
發布於 2024-05-13 10:31:13
Taiwan's government recently donated 50 thousand NT to Brazil to help the country cope (應付) with devastating floods.

The floods have wreaked havoc across nearly 90 percent of municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Over 300 thousand homes were damaged, as well as roads, bridges and a hydroelectric plant.

Local media reports say the death toll has risen to 126, and 141 are missing.

The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Sao Paulo said the overseas Taiwanese community in Brazil have delivered essential supplies to disaster areas.

The office hopes all victims can return to normal life as soon as possible.

Brazilian officials said they're very grateful to Taiwan for providing immediate assistance.

They say the people of the state will not forget the good deed.

Taichung government introduces pet-friendly taxi service    
發布於 2024-05-13 10:31:13
The Taichung City government is announcing a pet-friendly taxi service, allowing owners to bring their pets along without any additional charge.

It said pet-owning passengers can choose from 16 local service providers listed on the website of the City's Transportation Bureau.

And many drivers are pet owners themselves.

Transport officials said passengers are required to place their pets in a cage before boarding.

They must also ensure taxi cleanliness throughout the journey to avoid incurring (招致、遭受) an additional cleaning fee.

They said the taxi fare is metered as a regular yellow cab service.

But officials caution that those who choose non-traditional ones with various sizes and functions should pay attention to how they charge.

Afghanistan Flash Floods Leave Dead and Missing    
發布於 2024-05-13 10:31:13
Flash floods in northern Afghanistan sweep away livelihoods (生計), leaving hundreds dead and missing

AP correspodnent Karen Chammas reports on floods in Afghanistan.

Russia Putin Proposes Removing Defense Minister    
發布於 2024-05-13 10:31:13
Russian President Vladimir Putin has proposed removing Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu from his post.

Putin nominated First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov for the role.

The change comes weeks after a Russian deputy defense minister in charge of military construction projects, was jailed pending an investigation and trial on charges of bribery (受賄).

In line with Russian law, the entire Russian cabinet resigned on Tuesday when Putin began his fifth presidential term at a Kremlin inauguration.

The announcement came as Ukrainian officials say thousands more civilians have fled Russia's renewed ground offensive in Ukraine’s northeast.

The attacks have targeted towns and villages with a barrage of artillery and mortar shelling.

The intense battles have forced at least one Ukrainian unit to withdraw in the Kharkiv region.

This is a loss of more land to Russian forces across less defended settlements in the so-called contested gray zone along the Russian border.

Prince Harry Meghan Visit Nigeria    
發布於 2024-05-13 10:31:13
Britain's Prince Harry and his wife Meghan are visiting Lagos, Nigeria.

They are promoting mental health for soldiers and empowering young people.

The couple visited a local charity using sports to empower young people.

Meghan and Harry later attended a fundraiser for Nigeria’s soldiers wounded in the country’s fight against Islamic extremists and other armed groups in the country’s conflict-battered (連續猛擊) north.

The event was related to Harry's Invictus Games, which Nigeria is seeking to host in the future.

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