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Tai-Ex opening    
發布於 2024-06-18 10:50:13
The Tai-Ex opened up 193-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 22,690 on turnover of 8.7-billion N-T.

The market lost ground on Monday after initial gains were eroded.

Investors took cues from a lackluster (黯淡無光) performance on Wall Street at the end of last week.

Hon Hai managed to buck the downturn, to hit a 16-year high at the close.

This provided some support to the broader market amid optimism toward the company's efforts in artificial intelligence development.

MOI Warns Against Chinese Influence in Political Parties    
發布於 2024-06-18 10:50:13
In news from and about Taiwan this morning,

The Ministry of the Interior is warning members of the public against forming political parties under the influences of foreign forces.

The call comes amid allegations that a Chinese entity (實體) has recently attempted to recruit Taiwanese celebrities to establish the "Taiwan Pro-Peace Party."

According to the interior ministry, people have the right to form political parties.

But the ministry says they cannot accept instructions (指示) or funding from foreign forces.

The ministry says that would violate the National Security Act and the Anti-Infiltration Act.

Consumers' Foundation to File Class Action in Fatal Food Poisoning Case    
發布於 2024-06-18 10:50:13
The Consumers' Foundation has announced it has begun the process of collecting documents from victims of the Malaysian restaurant chain food poisoning outbreak.

The foundation is set to file a class action.

Foundation Chairman Wu Rong-da says 30 people have so far expressed support for the filing of a lawsuit on their behalf.

This includes the families of the six individuals who died.

The foundation's legal team says defendants in the case will include the restaurant chain as well as the chef, Far Eastern Department Stores, which hosts the restaurant branch and FoodRepublic, the company that runs the food court at the department store.

Russian President Putin Visits NKorea    
發布於 2024-06-18 10:50:13
Russian President Vladimir Putin is visiting North Korea today, It’s his first state visit to Pyongyang in 24 years.

Chris Gilbert reports.

EU Gives Final Approval for Nature Restoration Plan    
發布於 2024-06-18 10:50:13
European Union countries have given final approval to a major and long-awaited plan to better protect nature in the 27-nation bloc.

The Nature Restoration plan is part of the EU’s European Green Deal that seeks to establish the world’s most ambitious (要求高的;需要極大努力的) climate and biodiversity targets.

Under the new law, EU countries will be required to restore at least 30% of habitats such as forests, rivers, grasslands, wetlands, lakes and coral beds deemed in poor condition by 2030.

This percentage is set to increase to 60% by 2040 and 90% by 2050.

The law also introduces specific requirements for measures to reverse the decline of pollinators.

The plan was finally adopted at a meeting of environment ministers in Luxembourg after rallying the required support from a qualified majority.

Austria's vote in favor of the plan helped to break the stalemate.

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