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MOEA approves TSMC's additional investment plans for Japan, U.S.    
發布於 2024-06-28 13:01:14
The Ministry of Economic Affairs approved four Taiwanese overseas investment (海外投資) plans totaling roughly $10.5 billion dollars, of which over 90-percent will be contributed by chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

TSMC will invest an additional $5.26 billion U.S. dollars into its majority-owned (擁有大部分股份) Japan Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing, or JASM, while US$5 billion will go to its Arizona expansion in the United States.

JASM is a joint venture between TSMC, Sony , and DENSO.

Its first plant in Kuma-moto Prefecture was inaugurated on Feb. 24 this year, with mass production (量產) scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter.

Most of the new investment will go to build JASM's second fab.

The other $5 billion US dollar additional investment, involves TSMC's second Arizona fab, which is expected to produce wafers using the advanced 2nm or 3nm processes.

Taiwan Aid Speeding to House Passage in State Department Bill    
發布於 2024-06-28 13:01:14
Weapons sales and other aid to Taiwan is speeding toward U-S House passage this week as part of the annual State Department spending bill (預算案) the Senate must still take up.

..... I-C-R-T's Washington correspondent Matt Kaye has more.

Mongolia Election    
發布於 2024-06-28 13:01:14
In world news...

Voters are electing a new parliament in Mongolia, a landlocked (內陸) democracy that is squeezed between China and Russia, two much larger authoritarian states (獨裁國家).

At stake in Friday's vote are 126 seats in an expanded parliament, 50 more than in the previous election in 2020.

The Mongolian People’s Party won that year in a landslide.

It still appears to hold the upper hand, but other parties may be able to capitalize (獲得利益) on voter discontent (選民不滿) to eat into its majority.

Mongolia became a democracy in 1990, ending more than six decades of one-party communist rule under the same People's Party that is in power today.

The ruling party has transformed into a center-left party in the democratic era.

Mongolia has a population of only 3.4 million.

Slovakia Train Crash caused 7 deaths    
發布於 2024-06-28 13:01:14
Officials in Slovakia say that a train traveling from the Czech capital of Prague to the Hungarian capital of Budapest collided with a bus in southern Slovakia, leaving at least seven people dead and five injured.

Police and railway officials say that some 200 people were aboard the Eurocity train when the accident took place shortly after 5 p.m.

The deaths and injuries have been confirmed by Slovakia’s rescue service.

Video footage shows that the engine of the train was on fire.

Railway officials say the bus was badly damaged in the crash.

US Presidential Debate, the 1st round    
發布於 2024-06-28 13:01:14
The first general election debate of the 2024 season has kicked off.

U.S. President Joe Biden and his Republican rival, Donald Trump, are squaring off as the candidates attempt to lure currently undecided voters.

Biden has the opportunity to reassure voters that that, at 81, he is capable of guiding the U.S. through a range of challenges.

The 78-year-old Trump could use the moment to try to move past his felony conviction and appeal to tens of millions that he’s temperamentally suited to return to the Oval Office.

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