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Tai-Ex opening    
發布於 2024-07-03 10:27:13
The Tai-Ex opened up 130-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 23,009 on turnover of 4.4-billion N-T.

The market lost almost 180-points as investors rushed to lock-in gains in the bellwether electronics sector.

Hon Hai led the downturn in the electronics sector, falling by 2.85-per cent, as its share price failed to return to its prior ex-dividend level.

While Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing also moved lower, as it saw profit taking following recent solid gains on the back of investor interest in artificial intelligence development-related stocks.

Domestic Carbon Credit Sales to Begin on TCX in September or October    
發布於 2024-07-03 10:27:13
The Ministry of Environment says it expects sales of domestic carbon credits on the Taiwan Carbon Solution Exchange to begin by late September or early October.

The statement comes after the exchange listed its first green carbon project earlier this week.

That project was a reforestation initiative in eastern Paraguay and carbon credits for the project are now available for purchase.

The government has also now publicly released the regulations on the trade and transfer of domestic carbon credits from voluntary (自主性) emission reduction projects - which are set to be introduced on August 15.

Weekly New COVID-19 Cases Hit Year's Highest Level    
發布於 2024-07-03 10:27:13
The Centers for Disease says a total of 932 new COVID-19 cases with complications (併發症) were reported last week - and that's the highest weekly level for this year.

According to the C-D-C, the number of confirmed local cases reported between June 25 and July 1 was up 14-per cent from the previous week.

Data shows there were approximately 100,000 COVID-19-related visits to emergency and outpatient departments made last week.

The C-D-C says the pandemic will continue to rise and weekly visits to emergency rooms for COVID-19-related illnesses are expected peak in mid-July at 120,000 before subsequently declining slowly.

Okinawa Protests Cases of Alleged Sexual Assault by US Personnel    
發布於 2024-07-03 10:27:13
Locals in Japan’s Okinawa region are protesting two cases of alleged sexual assault (性侵害) by US military personnel.

The Pentagon says it’s closely tracking the cases which have fueled local anger.

Chris Gilbert reports from Tokyo.

Chile White Rhino Birth at Zoo    
發布於 2024-07-03 10:27:13
A 13-year-old Southern white rhinoceros has delivered a newborn calf in a rare zoo birth for the almost endangered species.

The arrival of the male calf, named Silverio, just over a week ago was the third time that a white rhino had ever been born in South America.

The zoo in Chile’s capital of Santiago presented Silverio to the public on Tuesday as he took his first steps after 12 days of medical care in confinement (限、禁閉).

The zoo hailed his birth as a “big achievement” for efforts to conserve the threatened species.

Southern white rhinos, have been classified as “nearly endangered”, and there are just over 10-thousand individuals left in the world, the vast majority of them in zoos.

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