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本節目內容節錄自ICRT EZ News的新聞,1105311820News Online節目將為大家一起研讀ICRT 110517日挑選2則新聞內容來和大家分享,分別為:


  1. CECC Urges Awareness of Contact Tracing Scam




The Central Epidemic Command Center says it has been receiving reports of

scammers pretending to be from local health authorities in order to obtain

people's personal information.


According to Deputy Interior Minister Chen Tsung-yen, the telephone scammers

have been asking people to provide their personal information under the

pretense (假裝;偽稱) of conducting contact tracing of coronavirus cases.


The Central Epidemic Command Center:中央疫情指揮中心


pretending to be:假裝

Deputy Interior Minister Chen Tsung-yen:內政部政務次長陳宗彥

under the pretense :假裝;偽稱


Chen says the Criminal Investigation Bureau is now investigating the scams

and authorities are urging people to be aware of them.


The 1922 hotline run by the Centers for Disease Control says when a person is

listed as a contact of case, health authorities will call them to confirm

their name, phone number and address, but will not ask for more detailed



the Criminal Investigation Bureau:刑事調查局

the scams:騙局

be aware of:注意

the Centers for Disease Control:衛生福利部疾病管制署(簡稱「疾管署」)

to confirm:確認

to ask for:要求



  1. Israeli Paramedics: 2 Dead in Synagogue Bleacher Collapse      




Israeli medics say two people are dead and more than 150 injured in a

bleacher collapse at an uncompleted West Bank synagogue.


The bleacher was packed with ultra-Orthodox worshippers and collapsed during

prayers at the beginning of a major Jewish holiday.


medics:護理人員(a person trained to give emergency medical care to people who are injured or ill, typically in a setting outside of a hospital.)

to collapse:倒塌

West Bank:(約旦河)西岸(猶太殖民區)

synagogue:猶太教堂(the building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction.)
be packed with:擠滿了




Magen David Adom spokesman told Channel 13 that paramedics had treated over

157 people for injuries and pronounced two dead, a man in his 50s and a

12-year-old boy.


Rescue workers were on the scene, treating the injured and taking people to

the hospital.


The collapse comes weeks after 45 ultra-Orthodox Jews were killed in a

stampede (奔逃,蜂擁) at a religious festival in northern Israel.


Magen David Adom:紅大衛盾會(英語:Magen David Adom、希伯來語:מגןדודאדום,縮寫為 MDA或Mada)是以色列全國性的緊急醫療、災害、救護車和血庫服務機構。2006年6月,紅大衛盾會作為以色列的國家紅會獲得了紅十字國際委員會的正式承認,並成為紅十字會與紅新月會國際聯合會的成員。


to pronounce:宣布

on the scene:在現場



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